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Is Your Leadership on Target?

Written by Chuck Olson

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Is Your Leadership on Target?

As leaders, it’s all too easy to miss the mark.

We may be fully engaged, but are our efforts headed in the right direction? Are we leading out of God’s agenda or out of a short-sighted, self-serving one? Big difference.

Mark it down: a leader off-target can deliver a boatload of confusion and dissipation.

Every leader needs a dashboard—a set of warning lights that signal the current trajectory needs course correction.

Every leader needs a dashboard—a set of warning lights that signal the current trajectory needs course correction.

Here is my leadership dashboard to ensure that I’m leading in sync with God’s purposes.

1. Am I intentionally creating consistent opportunity to hear from God?

2. Am I living with margin or my days all about pack-it-in and grind-it-out?

3. Am I doing life in community with someone with whom I’ve given full permission to speak into my life, especially my blind spots?

4. Am I forgetting that my leadership is a stewardship, not a right or an entitlement?

In reality, this is more than a mental checklist; it’s an inventory of the heart. As leaders, we are called to go first. And we are called to go farther.

As leaders, we are called to go first. And we are called to go farther.

Here’s a challenge. An invitation

Rehearse the reality that the pathway to leadership effectiveness resides in an unrelenting commitment to constantly seek God and His agenda.

Pick one of these questions that needs to find its way into the CHANGE REQUIRED column of your life and leadership.

Schedule a time when you and God can create a game plan—based on His grace and empowerment.

At the end of the day, your ultimate leadership deliverable is a life that is constantly being remade by the One who alone can change you from the inside out.

Chuck Olson Signature

Chuck Olson
Founder | Lead With Your Life

Chuck Olson

As founder and president of Lead With Your Life, Dr. Chuck Olson is passionate about inspiring, resourcing and equipping Kingdom leaders to lead from the inside out.  To lead, not with the external shell of positions, achievements or titles, but from an internal commitment to a deep, abiding and transparent relationship with Jesus. Serving as a pastor and leadership coach for over forty years, Chuck has a track record of building these truths deep into the lives of both ministry and marketplace leaders.

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