Dear Partner — The other day, Pattie and I sat with some dear friends who lost their home in the Altadena fire. In the middle of the heartache and the tears, these friends shared their unshakable faith that the Father is meeting them in their pain and guiding them in their steps forward. It was the kind of conversation that only flows out of a settled relationship with the One who remains sovereign when all we see is chaos and confusion.
Reflecting on that conversation, the words of the psalmist ring true:
And those who know Your name put their trust in You,
for You, O LORD, have not forsaken those who seek You. – Psalm 9:10
In all of life’s challenges and disappointments, for the follower of Christ, the good news remains: We have a Father how knows us. Sees us. Feels our pain. And walks with us–moment by moment.
Hold on to that truth!
Dear Partner — Our hearts continue to be heavy for so many of our friends and loved ones whose lives have been turned upside down by the L.A. fires. It’s impossible to grasp the devastation.
It’s times like these that the only certain security for our souls is the nearness of a Father who draws up close to the broken-hearted.
Pattie has framed a variety of Scripture verses that are placed throughout our home. Her most recent addition—shared in our last Partnership Insider—has become a needed reminder.
In the midst of turbulent waters,
I will be your shining beacon of hope.
When navigating rivers of hardship,
you will emerge stronger and more resilient.
When walking through the fire,
you will rise unbroken and empowered;
it will not define you.
–Isaiah 43:2
May the truth of God’s word minister deeply to you, reviving and restoring your soul.
With love and prayers,
PS: Thank you for standing with us in support of raising up the next generation of Kingdom leaders…because everyone’s life gets better when a leader’s life gets stronger!
Dear Partner — Like yours, our hearts are breaking from all the devastation and destruction surrounding the greater LA area. Simply no words to capture it all. So many family and friends losing their homes and earthly possessions in this horrific disaster.
Many of you have asked if we are safe. We are. If the winds pick up again, more than likely, we will have to evacuate.
In view of this ever-unfolding nightmare, Pattie and I join with you on bended knee, praying for those who will attempt to navigate life as they literally start over. Praying for those who are displaced. Praying for the heroic firefighters risking their lives to protect us. And praying that we keep our eyes centered on Jesus as the only real and lasting hope while we travel this earthly walk.
Please let us know how we can specifically pray for you and we will take your requests to our Father.
Pattie and I have found that we are slowly gaining perspective by sitting in the truth of God’s Word—the only certain anchor for our souls during times of turmoil and grief. In that spirit, we share a few of our go-to verses with a prayer that they will also bring God’s peace to your soul.
Those who know Your name will trust in You,
for You, O Lord, have never forsaken those who seek You.
–Psalm 9:10
God is our refuge and strength,
a very present help in trouble.
–Psalm 46:1
I love the LORD because He hears my voice
and my prayer for mercy.
Because He bends down to listen,
I will pray as long as I have breath!
–Psalm 116:1-2
In the midst of turbulent waters,
I will be your shining beacon of hope.
When navigating rivers of hardship,
you will emerge stronger and more resilient.
When walking through the fire,
you will rise unbroken and empowered;
it will not define you.
–Isaiah 43:2
Dear Partner — First, the BOTTOMLINE: Through your generosity, God continues to supply the resources as we head into this new year of opportunity!
And second, the BACK STORY: We are a faith-driven organization that moves forward ON OUR KNEES—a posture of dependency.
In short, we are dependent upon God to touch the hearts of our partners to provide the needed financial fuel. Thank you for being responsive to His promptings.
And we are dependent upon God as He continues to equip the 85 leaders who are currently engaged in our nine-month Rock Solid leadership experience.
What God is doing in and through the work of Lead With Your Life brings me great joy and I am indeed grateful.
All for His Kingdom purposes,
Dear Partner — As a follower of Christ, would you agree with me that there are things in life that can only be explained by God’s grace?
That’s exactly how I feel about the work God is doing in and through Lead With Your Life.
the life trajectory of hundreds of Kingdom leaders has been changed.
more and more leaders are embracing servant leadership instead of me-first leadership.
more and more leaders are grabbing hold of the calling He has for them to impact their world.
over 550 leaders have participated in Rock Solid—the intensive, nine-month leadership/discipleship experience provided by LWYL.
And it’s all by God’s grace that we are seeing Him faithfully change the leadership narrative of our day…
one leader at a time…
I know that you are thinking about ways to
contribute to ministries in addition to your local church.
Would you consider joining Pattie and me in
including Lead With Your Life in your year-end stewardship?
Your support is exponential. When you impact ONE leader that leader
turns around and impacts countless others… for generations to come.
Donations can be made:
From my heart to yours, thank you for your
partnership with Lead With Your Life!
Dear Partner — I am beyond grateful to let you know that in pursuing the mission of Lead With Your Life we continue to see a growing collective of Kingdom leaders who understand that the weight of their leadership is directly tied to the depth of their character.
Take a look at this short video with a handful of next generation leaders giving witness to the work God is doing in their lives through the Rock Solid journey.
dusty davis | sean koch | chuck olson | kyle guerin | dusty olson | sean vargas
Thank you for standing with us in empowering and equipping leaders to lead from the inside outside out—for a lifetime.
Thank you for considering a year-end gift to the ever-expanding impact of Lead With Your Life.
Dear Partner — It’s one of my favorite days of the year!
We just hosted the 2024 Rock Solid Breakfast for all Rock Solid grads in the San Gabriel Valley–a time marked by friendship and encouragement (and breakfast burritos 😎).
It was also an opportunity for me to share a message God had put on my heart for our Rock Solid leaders.
This year my message came from Jeremiah 12:5 (So, Jeremiah, if you’re worn out in this footrace with men, what makes you think you can race against horses?).
In short, God’s call for us is not only to face TODAY’s realities, but to be prepared for TOMORROW’s challenges.
This theme is one of the foundational parts of Rock Solid. We are constantly reminding Rock Solid leaders to be rigorously faithful in pursuing spiritual practices (studying God’s Word; speaking with Him; seeking times of solitude; practicing Sabbath; belonging in community; and more). Each of these disciplines help to equip a leader to be prepared for the challenges that will inevitably come their way.
Thank you for your partnership that is empowering a movement of Kingdom leaders who are rock solid on the inside and courageous for God’s purposes on the outside. We could not do this without you!
Always and only, for His purposes,
Dear Partner — I love this time of year! Fall. New beginnings Fresh starts.
Over the next several days, Lead With Your Life will be launching the 2024-2025 Rock Solid season with over 100 leaders participating.
I asked our graphic designer to pull together words of what leaders have shared with us from having taken the Rock Solid journey. So good!
I thank God for what He has done and all He will be doing in the lives of Kingdom-minded leaders in the months ahead through the ministry of Rock Solid.
Thank you, on behalf of the Lead With Your Life board, for allowing this transformational work to happen through your faithful partnership with us.
Deeply grateful,
LWYL Board of Directors: Bill Duncan, Larry Edson, John Gilmour,
Herag Haleblian, Garrick Hanger, Jim Howe, Dusty Olson
What a privilege to stand with trustworthy leaders who lead with their lives!
You, faithful partner, are a vital part of this movement—a movement to equip and to empower a generation of leaders who say NO WAY to the temptations and pitfalls of leadership, but rather say ALL IN to God’s pattern of working deeply in the life of a leader before working powerfully through the life of a leader…and doing so for a lifetime!
With a heart of gratitude,
Dear Partner — As you know, while there are multiple ministry initiatives under the Lead With Your Life banner, Rock Solid is the centerpiece—a deep-dive experience for leaders who own the reality that to go the distance you’ve got to lead from the inside out.
In that pursuit, we are pedal-to-the-metal in prep of the 2024-2025 Rock Solid season beginning in September. In the photo, you can see us on an energizing virtual call the other night with several of our upcoming Rock Solid coaches.
We keep pressing ahead, encouraged and inspired by how God is at work in the lives of leaders. Here’s a few reflections I’ve received from a couple recent Rock Solid grads:
This is the most beautiful and satisfying experience I have ever taken for the formation of my life and journey as a Christian leader. It has changed the trajectory of my life.
In a difficult season, God used Rock Solid to remind me who and whose I am. He used each leader in the Rock Solid cohort to encourage and support me in a time when it was much needed.
I was stretched. I was broken. And I was put back together. And through that process, I discovered who I am in our Father’s eyes, and what my Kingdom calling is.
I am very grateful for YOUR investment in the work of Lead With Your Life as we pave the way for leadership transformation in the lives of so many.
And as you’ve heard me say before, everyone’s life gets better when a leader’s life gets stronger.
In this together, for His purposes,
Congrats to our 2023-2024 Rock Solid grads!
Dear Partner — While the 2023-2024 Rock Solid season is in the books, the impact carries on…for decades!
Catch a conversation with some of the grads and this is what you’ll hear:
YOUR PARTNERSHIP sets in motion this kind of life-change.
Thank you.
We are in this together,
Dear Partner — I reached out at the start of April for your help, and you came through—big time! We not only reached our once-a-year Matching Gift Opportunity of $50,000, we exceeded it!
Thank you, thank you…for responding to God’s prompting in providing the resources needed to expand the mission of Lead With Your Life.
With your partnership, LWYL moves forward with the strong reminder that God has His hand of anointing upon us. He is writing a remarkable story of life and leadership transformation.
More than ever, our world needs the kind of leader we seek to equip and empower for His purposes—leaders who go the distance as they lead from the inside out.
Fighting for the hearts and souls of Kingdom leaders—together,
Dear Partner — I want you to know how grateful I am to each one of you who have joined Pattie and me this month for our annual Lead With Your Life Matching Gift Opportunity of $50,000.
If you haven’t had the chance to jump in, there’s still time to do so right up until April 30. And your gift will be matched!
Your gift is a strategic investment—an investment in equipping and empowering Kingdom leaders to go the distance as they lead from the inside out.
THANK YOU for your faithful and encouraging partnership!
Here are two photos of leaders who just wrapped up their nine-month, soul-shaping Rock Solid journey. Our faithful Father is smiling!
Dear Partner — I trust you had a very meaningful Easter, embracing and celebrating the life-changing truth that Jesus Christ conquered sin and death, giving us life abundant and life eternal. Our hope is secure—today and for eternity!
As we move into April, we want to let you know about Lead With Your Life’s annual Matching Gift Opportunity. Through the generous lead gift of $50,000, each donation given in April will be matched up to that amount. An opportunity to double your investment!
Please join Pattie and me in maximizing this once-a-year opportunity!
As a donor-funded ministry, your financial partnership is essential in providing the resources to fulfill our calling to empower and equip Kingdom leaders who go the distance. (You may be interested in ways you can partner with us.)
As you know, our world is in great need for character-based leaders who not only understand but PRACTICE servant-hearted leadership. Leaders who lead out of the overflow of God’s deep activity in their lives.
Every day we see evidence of God’s transforming work in the lives of leaders.
THANK YOU for your partnership! I am so deeply grateful!
Dear Partner — Pictured above are two of the current eight Rock Solid cohorts happening this season. One of the many topics that we dive into over the nine-month journey is that our daily practices determine the leader we become.
It’s the small things we do daily that bring the power of compounding interest, empowering and equipping us to be prepared for the uncertainties, challenges, and temptations we all face.
That’s why we do what we do at Lead With Your Life. We get a front row seat to build into the lives of these leaders who turn around and influence countless others. The ripple out effect is inestimable.
THANK YOU for being an essential part of this mission. Your supportive partnership is making a significant impact—a difference today and one that will only be fully tallied in eternity.
In closing, be on the lookout for an email at the end of the month announcing our annual Matching Gift Opportunity. Each gift given in April will matched up to $50,000. Please consider joining Pattie and me in this once-a-year opportunity to maximize our investment in raising up Kingdom leaders who will go the distance!
With a heart full of gratitude,
Dear Partner — In our Rock Solid cohorts, we experience “iron sharpening iron”—one leader speaking truth into the life of another. It’s powerful to see it in action. Case in point…
The other day, in our Rock Solid text thread, one leader posted this:
Every day matters. How much time to are we putting into building our personal wealth? How much time are we putting into building the kingdom? I guess that is a question we will have to answer someday. I don’t want to have the wrong answer.
Mic drop…
These are some of the questions that we grapple with on the Rock Solid nine-month journey. BIG questions. Yea, we catch up on sports and hobbies when we meet up. But not for long. These leaders show up with rolled-up sleeves, ready to engage deeply in what it means to be a Kingdom leader who loves Christ without reservation and seeks to follow Him without compromise, day in and day out.
Leadership is demanding. And it’s our burden (an unrelenting one) to help leaders confront these demands. From a better place. From a deeper place. From the inside out.
Please hear my heart: THANK YOU for enabling and empowering this mission through your prayers and with your support. We are in this together!
With great appreciation,
Dear Partner —
The other day, one of the 80+ leaders currently taking the Rock Solid journey sent me this snap. Gotta love it! Of the many things this photo says, one for sure is that this Kingdom leader had carved out an intentional time and place to seek God about his life and his leadership.
What could be better?
That’s what the mission of Lead With Your Life is all about. Too often we see leaders, Christian leaders, misuse their platforms of influence.
In our ministry, we have an unrelenting burden to help leaders avoid the pitfalls and temptations of leadership by guiding them to live fully and deeply from the inside out.
Why? Because everyone’s life gets better when a leader’s life gets stronger.
Mark it down: YOUR partnership—in prayer and in support—makes this happen. Thank you for standing with us!
As we start a new year, we are asking God to raise up a dozen new partners who would join us as monthly investors in the mission of changing the narrative of leadership. If this ministry has impacted you and as God prompts your heart, we’d love to have you jump in.
Dear Partner —
For I am about to do something new.
See, I have already begun! Do you not see it?
I will make a pathway through the wilderness.
I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.
–Isaiah 43:19 NLT
A few weeks ago, as I headed out for a time of solitude, I was met by this extraordinary sunrise. This exquisite painting by our ever-creative Father, served as a reminder that as we head into 2024, He has something new in store.
I needed that reminder. You too?
While there may be prayers yet to be answered, while there may be petitions on hold, our God still makes pathways in the wilderness. And He still creates rivers in the wasteland.
As He continues to script your story, be on the lookout for sunrises…the kind painted by a Father who loves you in ways you cannot even begin to comprehend.
In closing, as we start a new year, my heart is full. My tank is topped off! Your generosity at the end of 2023 is allowing us to enter the new year with the financial fuel to advance the work of Lead With Your Life.
Remember, leadership that lasts a lifetime emerges out of the overflow of a leader’s character. That is our mission.
And make no mistake about it: Your partnership is making this happen.
Thank you!